Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The First Step - Clearing the Land

The heavy equipment moved in this week to begin work on our renovation.

Doug Zacharias of Otter Lake works that shovel with the precision of a dental surgeon.



The giant stump in the front yard is gone. Tearing it out with the roots left a hole 20' in diameter.

The bathroom too is gone, to make space for the addition.

It took about 15 truckloads to haul all the debris away.

The site of the new addition and septic system.

Who Could Ask For Anything More?

Just because we no longer have a bathroom doesn't mean we are deprived of the luxury of a shower. I simply moved the shower stall to a quiet corner under the pines, and rigged up a improvised water supply. The water is heated by solar power in a black plastic bag. We just fill it up, lay it out on the dock in the sun for a few hours, run it up on a pulley in the shower stall, and presto! - enough 100 degree F water for a nice long scrub.

Sad to See

Loggers have moved into the pine plantation just to the east of us.

They are clear-cutting about 100 acres of some of my prime mushroom picking terrain.

It's sad to see this living cathedral being cut down to make chip-board and diapers.

Open for Business!

The little shack out back is complete and open for business. The ribbon cutting and opening celebrations took place July 1st, Canada Day.

The interior is finished in a rich combination of pine and mahogony. Technical details available upon request.