Monday, July 31, 2006

The Last Weekend of July

Most of the easier improvements to the cottage have been completed, so this weekend I tried my hand at woodworking. Our neighbour in the city had thrown out a brand new futon frame, which I salvaged because it was made of fine unfinished white pine.

Louise had expressed some doubts that I would ever do anything useful with it, and predicted that it would just clutter up the shed, so I had a point to make.

Day one was spent on design and preparation, day two on assembly, and day three on finishing.

I began by making the table top, and then added the legs before staining and varnishing.

On Sunday afternoon, for a break, we went to visit the neighbouring town of Campbell's Bay. It was pretty quiet on Main Street.

From the edge of town, along the PPJ bike trail, there was a magnificent view of the Ottawa River. That's Grand Calumet Island on the other shore.

The PPJ bicycle trail is built on the old Pontiac Pacific Junction railway, nicknamed the Push Pull and Jerk. Discover the story of the PPJ railway.

When we got back, another few coats of marine varnish, et voilĂ  - the new table was ready.

I also found time to repaint the roof of an old birdhouse....

... and to conduct a thorough inspection of Louise's new bathing suit.

Finally, lunch, before packing for the return back to the city.

Meet Darth Vadar, the barbecue ransomed from Valu-Mart for $189 plus tax.

This weekend we learned two valuable lessons - never purchase Maple Leaf brand BBQ wieners unless you enjoy the taste of cardboard, and corn on the cob tastes much better boiled than grilled.

Another weekend ends with the drive back to the city.

1 comment:

Anna said...

the BBQ does look like darth vader!